
Music Box

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Saying"thank you" is an overlooked pratice by society.Do you agree?

         Two simple words that can shape a life but they are the hardest to say in the English vocabulary:They are often overlooked and taken for granted.What are the two words?They are "thank you".
    Common courtesy starts from young.It begins from the home,so parents plays a very important role in instilling habit of saying"thank you" in their children.Parents need to teach their children to appreciate what they have and the people around them.Children model their parents' behaviour ,so parents should make saying "thank you"a norm in the household.For an instance,the husband should say thank you to his wife for cooking dinner or the wife could say thank you when the husband helps her with the household chores.Or both parents could show their appreciation to their children by acknowledging their successes and their efforts to try their best.

    Parents could also train their children to write thank you notes,especially to their teachers.This pratice goes beyond good manners.It teaches them to appreciate other people's kindness,patience and generosity towards them.

     On the spiritual side,there should also be appreciation towards nature and the life the universe has given us.Many of us often take our conveniences for granted and become surprised when these conveniences suddenly disappear or are destroyed.

      No one would become the lesser man by saying " thank you".It is an expression of good manners that goes a long way.It makes us less selfish.It can lift one's spirit mend broken hearts,create special bonds and make anyone feel good and validated.Showing gratitude is the basis of living in harmony.If expressing our gratitude is commonly praticed among us,then it reflects a tolerant and caring society.Would you like to live in that kind of society?Then start saying "thank you: more often.Start with your family first.Make it your lifestyle.

                  Thanks for reading!

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